Thursday, October 23

where's the plan?

Today was another tough one. It started out well-intentioned, but went downhill quickly. We were able to rendezvous with Bill early on, and zipped down to Albion to collect his air compressor and table saw. After this, breakfast was in order, as was a running start on the plywood.

Trip. We fell flat on our faces when we realized the carefully orchestrated plywood-graph-paper layout we'd spent an evening laboring over was nowhere to be found. I jumped in the car and went back home to search hi and lo, but alas...

Meanwhile, ROSSIs had shown up at the prop with our single solitary 16 foot 2x4" we'd ordered to complete the scaffolding. They also picked up the rest of our unused 2x8"s and the Fiberon Fascia which mom has decided not to use (good decision mom - it was ugly) for a return.

So it was with much 'bummer' that I returned to the prop empty-handed. Erin feebily tried to re-draw the circular yurt without a compass while I did some general job clean-up. Then, just as Erin's head was about to explode, Mickey showed up toting flooring nailer, compressor, and a much needed diversion. He's a really nice guy, and I discovered he mostly does refinishing jobs on floors, so these particular tools don't get much use from him. He was happy to lend them to us for a few days. We did a few trial shots with the nailing gun and a piece of our flooring until we got it just right.

Erin & Mickey

flooring nailer

flooring nailed (stapled)

Mom and David showed up at this time, and picked a bushel full of apples apiece. I guess this means we have three more trees that have gone wild with apples, one of them green apples (yum & good for pie!).

As Mickey, Mom & David pulled away, we reassessed our situation and decided to get as much done as we possibly could without our plywood plan. We decided to rip our two pressure-treated plywood pieces into our future benderboard, which will measure 8'x7.5" each. We tested one by wrapping it around the perimeter of the platform and decided it will work out quite well.

future benderboards

Then Erin scaled the scaffolding again to complete the adjustable part at the top that will actually hold the compression ceiling ring.

It didn't take him very long, and at this, we did some more cleanup and packed our bags to head home. Between the two of us, we re-drew our plywood layout at home and will use only 24 sheets (as opposed to our previous plan of 25) so loosing the original was a mixed bag, baby.

See you tomorrow!

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