Tuesday, September 30

jellyfish and tacos

Today was not really a bonafide work day. Erin worked about three hours on stairs in the morning while I attended to other work, and when we broke for lunch, the day took a different turn.

The ocean was flat. Like this __________. It was clear as glass. The air was warm, and there was just enough breeze blowing to instill confidence in us for a sail from Van Damme State Park to Russian Gulch State Park. On a normal day, we'd be going the other direction, but the wind was blowing from the south today (meaning unsettled weather patterns are approaching). We drove around collecting our sailboat, life jackets & paddles and made it on the water by about 3:30. The air was depressingly still, but we launched anyway. We had to paddle out of Van Damme bay, but once we made it out there we got a little more push.

It didn't take long for us to spot some dolphins, and sea lions came next. With such mild swell and ZERO surface disturbance, it was easy to spot sea life.

Speaking of sea life, have you ever seen so many jellyfish?

You might think that those white spots are just dots of ocean spray on the camera lens. But no, they are jellyfish. Hundreds and hundreds (perhaps thousands?) of them. It seemed as though were we to step off the side of the boat we could just walk across them. This is an interesting video of our jellyfish encounter. You have to click on the link and visit youtube because I don't like putting videos on the blurt.

This scene went on for the better part of an hour as we sailed north. Weird. As we continued on, the talk turned to food. "I wish," Erin mused, "that there was a superfood that was always good. Here are the criteria: it has to be small; it has to have everything in it - nutrients, protein, energy, vitamins, everything- ; it has to taste good at all times."

"Yeah," I say, "something you don't have to think about whether or not its what you're in the mood for."

"I think I know what it is," Erin says. "Tacos."


We pulled into port just as the sun was setting, and were really glad we went.

Tomorrow we're going to finish off the decking completely. We'll need to trek up to ROSSIs for more composite decking screws. We've also got to complete the north set of stairs, and shim up one of the perimeter boards.

Hasta manana ~